
Showing posts from May, 2023

(#21) Pay careful attention...

“Pay careful attention to your inner life.”  I remember hearing that in one of my earliest classes at Bethel College. And I’ve heard it said similarly and often by several of the pastors under whom I served. I’m so thankful for their wisdom and the ways they stretched me with hard questions about my motivations, emotions, temptations and desires. It’s in that inner life (the scripture calls it the soul) that the Holy Spirit comforts, inspires and calls us. But also the inner life is where we experience spiritual attack, identity confusion and dysfunction. Question : Have I always done well at that self-awareness and inner life? Sadly, no. Whenever I was not paying attention, I made major mistakes that usually required painful retracing of hard missteps. But I’m trying these days, to pay careful attention to my inner life. So paying attention, I was surprised the other morning, when I found myself stuck on a song – one of those “ear worms.”  I woke up with it.  And strangely for me