(#3) On into 4th Week. Past half way through treatment

Today was the first day of my 4 th week in Chemo/Radiation. Chemo on Mondays. Radiation is 5 days a week. Total planned of 5 chemos and 25 radiations. Today I feel good, cause the first drug in my chemo-cocktail is a steroid that bumps me up and even messes with my sleep. The rest of the truth is that by the end of the week, I feel like a limp dish rag and each day I need to steel myself, decide to be an overcomer and draw from God’s grace and strength. I’m experiencing the side effects they “promised;” pain swallowing, sometimes severe heartburn, occasional nausea, weird reactions to smells and tastes. becoming easily dehydrated makes me need to pay close attention to bathroom specifics (I’ll spare you the details). They promise these side-effects will increase through the next week and in the week following treatment. All that brings a new set of questions to 2Cor 12:7-10… and I’m praying to “KNOW” this text in a new way when I’m through with treatmen...