(#1)The New Adventure

Image result for esophageal cancer ribbonAND SO A NEW ADVENTURE BEGINS....
    I've enjoyed and grown from blogging my missions and study trips, and I hope to occasionally write about my newer, more difficult journey. I discovered that there are lots of my friends who want to keep up with my cancer treatment, but I can't remember whom I've told what. So let's just start at the beginning and if you know the basic back-story, you might just want to skip down to the ***.
I've been serving as Interim Senior Pastor at Lakewood Evangelical Free Church in Baxter MN.  We have come to deeply love this congregation during the past 8 months. I work for Interim Pastor Ministries and so enjoy my work. Intentional Interms lead churches to become healthier, more effective congregations during the search for the next shepherd.  We've known that each church has been a calling from God and the work fits my gifts, passions and calling so well. Each of my interims has been about 18 months, but after less than half that time, I've needed to resign (May 31)to deal with my health struggles. 
    In early April I was hospitalized overnight as a result of low hemoglobin and required several infusions of iron to get back to healthy circulation. An endoscope, looking for an ulcer, revealed instead a walnut sized tumor right below the junction of esophagus and stomach. PET scans and further tests suggest that there it has not metastasized but it will still require aggressive treatment - radiation, chemo followed by surgery. Our home in Owatonna is the only 38 miles from state-of-the-art care at Mayo-Rochester. While the decision to return to our home was obvious, it ripped me away from work I really wanted to finish. I know God is absolutely faithful and He has a good plan for us and Lakewood church, but at this moment it's significantly disappointing and confusing.

   Both of our daughters are here with us in Owatonna to help with transportation and the adjustment.  (Jen from California, Kim from St. Paul).  There is great blessing to be living together as family for a brief while again and they are such a support for Harriet as they just help-out.  
*** As of Friday, 6/12
    So where are we?  The first week at Mayo was spent testing for a detailed diagnosis and treatment plan. They've classified this a stage 3, locally advanced adenocarcinoma. I've now had my first of 5 rounds of weekly chemotherapy and 5 rounds of 25 radiation treatments. Insurance denied coverage for Proton Therapy, the most effective and safest treat-ment. So they began treatment with Photon Therapy while appealing the insurance decision. Proton is more targeted and will do less damage to surrounding tissues. My team has been daily on the phone with insurer, awaiting the insurance decision. Perhaps more about that later.
Update Monday Night, 6/15
     This morning was an early blood draw and while catching my coffee, I got a call from Insurance which had approved the appeal.  Staff had submitted a Medical Necessity Appeal on Friday - concerned about Photon radiation into heart, lungs, liver etc.  Previous appeals were denied. Staff explained to me that Photon aims wide, like a shotgun and Proton is like a rifle where it aims radiation. 
     So I'm praising God for that tonight. Jen and Kim each plan to drive and accompany me 2 days a week - leaving Harriet to pound-the-payment for only one.  It's super to have the weekends off.  
    There was significant spiritual struggle this weekend. Don't know for sure why. No "Why Me?" questions... I process more like my dad... "Why NOT Me?" But somehow I slipped into a bit of self-pity. I really felt disconnected God -just kind of spiritually lonely and disengaged. Maybe it was about having no sermon to preach and no church family to connect with; knowing I've become one of those vulnerable persons in this pandemic stuff. I'm not used to any of that. And I'm not used to needing to be on the receiving end of the help continuum. So there's more going on inside me than I'm aware of, and sometimes it just jumps up and bites me. 
    Praying my way through Psalm 34 again tonight. 
    Tonight I know this one important thing. I want to take the opportunity in this reality to draw closer and tighter to God. All my life, He's been my faithful guide and friend. I know He'll be completely faithful and that He'll always be good - even when life is hard.  But you can pray for me that I will tolerate therapy well toward full healing within the next months - also for the sweet women in my life to have the strength to endure my new journey,  BUT MORE That I would genuinely draw up close to the ONE who loves me just as I am - but too much to leave me this way.    


  1. Thank you for the detailed update, Steve! What a whirlwind you’ve been in during the past couple of weeks! If anyone can handle a whirlwind situation though, it’s YOU Steve, with God’s help!

    I’ve talked with Harriet a couple of times via text and she seems to be handling all this with grace. I know she’s worried - who wouldn’t be? But, she has the confidence that God is with you both through this huge trial.

    You both have my prayers for strength, endurance and much needed positive attitudes! And as I told Harriet, you need ANYTHING, and I’m there! Lakeville isn’t that far from Owatonna via I-35! Please don’t hesitate to ask - I’d be happy to help out any way I can!

    So glad the girls are both able to be there for you! That, in itself, is a very special time for you all as a family!

    Thoughts and prayers are with you, from
    so many who love you! You’ll always be my wonderful Pastor Steve, and Harriet is a very dear friend as well!

    Keep looking up!
    Cheryl Hamel

  2. I’m so sorry to hear this news, but know that God has a plan and He will be with you every step of the way. He has promised that He will never leave us nor fore sake us. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and big hugs to you Harriet and tge girls♥️♥️♥️♥️

    Renee and Rod Marrin

  3. God bless you from Dan and Laurie Torgerson

  4. Thanks so much for sharing, Steve. We were unaware of this new development. Though I pray for you regularly, my prayers will shift. Blessings and love to you and your family, and may peace rule in your hearts and minds!

  5. Steve so sad to hear this but praying for healing...the treatment will take...and you will hear God's encouragement and benediction over you!

    1. Sorry...that last comment was from Aaron de Neui

  6. Steve, thank you for posting this update. We will pray for strength and courage as you are on this new journey. I will also pray that you can switch gears to receive from otheurs, allowing them the blessing of helping you and praying for you. We love you and and wish you the best! Kelly Kalan

    1. Thank you Kelly... you know this strange pathway. Praying for you too.

  7. It's always troubling to get this type of news. We second guess to a person, its natural...Acceptance of the task is based on our faith, the journey requires our faith. The task seems long, but acceptance of the journey is the real battle, win this and the rest is just the process of recovery. Faith helped me everyday, being kind in spite of troubles gave me comfort, my faith kept me going. Help those helping you by being your best, it helps immensely.
    God Bless Steve an Harriet
    Love Dennis Strander

  8. precious Steve and Harriet! How very blessed we were to have you come back into our lives at such a time as these past few months!! You had such a huge impact on our struggling church in the short time you were with us! you are incredibly missed already! what a comfort you were to Richard and I during Richards last months with us! How ironic that our God would scarf you up from our midst and put you on this journey! I repeated every day and continue to repeat to myself and the world around me the truth that our Father God is sovereign and His plans are perfect. He allows all things for our good and His glory! I could not survive and move forward without that knowledge and hope! May you be blessed with seeing Gods plan and purpose for you in this journey, and may He empower you with His power and strength in the midst of His plan! Praying daily for you and only regret that I couldn't have given you a big hug before returning to Owatonna!
    Hugs and blessings! Linda Tyner

    1. Thank you Linda. We love you. Let us know if you'll be visiting Owatonna.

  9. Thanks so much for sharing.It is not easy to rest in Him when we don't know where that will take us. We are praying for you and would love to connect up with you once again. Love to Harriet and to your daughters. When you look back on this time in your journey you will be able to understand why, but now it is Why?
    Arvid and Nancy


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