(#3) On into 4th Week. Past half way through treatment

Today was the first day of my 4th week in Chemo/Radiation. Chemo on Mondays.  Radiation is 5 days a week.  Total planned of 5 chemos and 25 radiations.  

Today I feel good, cause the first drug in my chemo-cocktail is a steroid that bumps me up and even messes with my sleep. The rest of the truth is that by the end of the week, I feel like a limp dish rag and each day I need to steel myself, decide to be an overcomer and draw from God’s grace and strength. I’m experiencing the side effects they “promised;” pain swallowing, sometimes severe heartburn, occasional nausea, weird reactions to smells and tastes. becoming easily dehydrated makes me need to pay close attention to bathroom specifics (I’ll spare you the details). They promise these side-effects will increase through the next week and in the week following treatment. 

All that brings a new set of questions to 2Cor 12:7-10… and I’m praying to “KNOW” this text in a new way when I’m through with treatment.

Every patient has a unique treatment regime according to their unique physiology. The chemo nurses are always curious about the details of my plan. They’re still orienting to the advances of really new technology. Curious about proton therapy?  Check out this link https://youtu.be/p6S51Y71R6E

I’ve had several friends who’ve been down similar pathways and while I’ve thought I was empathetic, I didn’t get it. So many things appear different to me. Little things, previously overlooked, are noticed with huge significance and life itself is newly precious. My friends and family mean so much more and I am so blessed by each card, each little word of encouragement, and if you have only breathed my name in prayer, I am so grateful.

My grandchildren Jack and Audrey along with my son-in-law Jason arrived today. They’ve been quarantining at Jason’s parents in Edina. The grandkids are a bit bored along with every 16 and 10 year old this Summer. But they’re not going to bore me! I’m blessed and soaking it in.

Today in radiation, they offered different music and I said, "Got any Christian Worship music?  One said, “How about Casting Crowns?” I listened in new ways today.

You see each tear that falls ● Through every fire and every storm  ● You're always enough   Always enough ● Your love is peace to the broken ● Faith for the widow ● Hope for the orphan ● Strength for the weak ● Your love is the anthem of nations ● Rings out through the ages  ● And You’re always enough for me ● You keep my heart in perfect peace  ● My life is in Your hands ● When confusion hides my way  ● You're always enough for me.  And HE IS!


  1. Still praying for you big brother!!! Thank you for keeping us updated. Love you!

  2. So good to get the latest update. And having more family there is precious. God continue to touch your life Pastor. Love ya.

  3. Thank you, Steve, for sharing your blog so Connie and I can keep up with how you doing. Stay strong, run as to finish the race!
    Kent & Connie Toriseva

  4. Thanks Pastor Steve for your updates as they help us to know how hold you up in prayer. Some of your descriptions bring back memories of when Mim went through her chemo and radiation. You are not alone as we are all walking with you thru this trial.
    Tom & Mim Vesely


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