(#6 )The quiet passage in the Cancer Journey

I'm just past half way between chemo/radiation and my coming surgery. The main medical goals for this 4 week period are to regain energy/strength and perhaps recover a few lost pounds. So I'm trying to eat healthy and get out for some significant exercise. Last week, I was able to get out for short bike rides every couple of days and I rode somewhere between 5 and 8 miles each time. Yesterday, riding felt so good I extended my ride to 11.5 miles, thoroughly enjoying the beauty along the Straight River (love that trail!) through town. It was great! Recovery from chemo and radiation is happening slowly, and I feel I'm getting a bit stronger day by day. Exercising well and eating right are more important now than usual. Eating remains a challenge. Almost every swallow is uncomfortable and even painful. Anything acidic or scratchy is an extra struggle. I've always been a "foodie." I've always loved the adventure of new flavors and new foods, but presently...