
Showing posts from August, 2021

(#16) Sharing Good News

I haven’t experienced despair, discouragement or depression much at all so far in the cancer journey. But last Sunday and Monday, I must have been difficult to even be around. It took a serious inner look for me to figure me out. In anticipation of my CT scan last Monday, I asked friends with a unique ministry of prayer and healing to meet with me and pray with me. It was a beautiful experience of praying through and anticipating how God might wish to glorify His own name through my struggle. I believe God can and does miraculously heal (not in every situation and there’s mystery around that). But we do need to ask Him. James 4:2c / Matt 7:7 / Psalm 50:15 (Thanks to all of you who ask God on my behalf – keep it up, please).  Our Zoom Prayer Time was so encouraging, but like so many of my high moments with Jesus, they are often followed by spiritual attack as satan seeks to steal away faith and cause me to doubt God. I’ve seen that pattern many times. How strange to not spot it this t

(#15) August Update on the Cancer Journey

  My Grandpa Cook Some experiences stick in the memory and significantly shape your future. The year was 1981 and my dad had just suffered a major heart attack while away from home at meetings in St Paul.  I was there at Midway Hospital when my grandpa (Mom’s dad) came to see him. We stepped out into the hallway as they prepared to leave when my grandpa turned to me and said, “Stevie, your dad doesn’t look very good. But, you know, either you or I could go before him. Are you ready?” I love both of my soft-spoken grandpas for their sweet no-nonsense boldness. I had graduated Seminary and was pastoring a church in Southern Minnesota by then. But that, including the fact that I was a relatively good guy, couldn’t purchase any ticket for heaven. I’m a sinner like everyone, and my only hope for eternal life is to trust that Jesus’ death on the cross was to rescue sinners like me and to give my life to follow Him. A few years later my grandpa did die first; then my Dad; and I’m still (at