(#16) Sharing Good News

I haven’t experienced despair, discouragement or depression much at all so far in the cancer journey. But last Sunday and Monday, I must have been difficult to even be around. It took a serious inner look for me to figure me out.

In anticipation of my CT scan last Monday, I asked friends with a unique ministry of prayer and healing to meet with me and pray with me. It was a beautiful experience of praying through and anticipating how God might wish to glorify His own name through my struggle. I believe God can and does miraculously heal (not in every situation and there’s mystery around that). But we do need to ask Him. James 4:2c / Matt 7:7 / Psalm 50:15 (Thanks to all of you who ask God on my behalf – keep it up, please). 

Our Zoom Prayer Time was so encouraging, but like so many of my high moments with Jesus, they are often followed by spiritual attack as satan seeks to steal away faith and cause me to doubt God. I’ve seen that pattern many times. How strange to not spot it this time. But Tuesday morning, preparing for my visit with my Oncologist, I recognized it, prayed again for solid faith in God regardless of outcome and refreshed myself in the Lord.

Dr. Hanna’s  first words were, “So how are you doing?” Answer: “Truth be told, I’ve been struggling emotionally these past days.” His reply: “Would some good news be helpful?” Me: “Yea… it would!” And here’s the wonderful news. The nodule tumors in my lungs identified in my previous CT are shrinking and several that were tiny have disappeared altogether – or at least they’re too small to show up in the scan. There is no evidence of spread to other areas. Good news?  Great news! Treatment will continue and they will adjust the ChemoCocktail to maintain the momentum of progress.

My body is responding as we've asked God to make it do and Chemo is knocking down the cancer. So is it answered prayer? Is it treatment? Or is it both? According to my Oncologist, prayer is playing a major role and we together agree that God is working through both prayer and chemo. Each is a good gift from his hand – and is great grace – far more than I deserve. And why would I not want to give God glory for this amazing gift.

Hebrews 9:27 is still true and death awaits us all. Me too. But apparently, God has more for me to do on planet earth and at least for now, I’m not dying of cancer. Kim said it better, For now, “We’re learning to live with cancer.” And we’re trusting and serving God regardless of what hardships life throws at us.


  1. Wow, what wonderful news!!! Brings tears to my eyes!!! So great to hear how God is working with you in this journey. Continued prayers for you, Harriet, Jen and Kim!

  2. Oh Steve -- This IS wonderful news! Exactly what we've all been praying for every single day. Prayers will certainly still be said every single day along with a whole lot of songs of praise to our Lord. Thank You for sharing.

  3. Oh Pastor Steve!!! That is wonderful news. Our Lord is so faithful. I am rejoicing with you and your family. I continue to pray for continued healing. Thank you Lord.

  4. Praise God, Steve-- for you, for your support team, for your courage and steadfastness. You are a winner to those who know you. Keep the faith. Fight the fight. Our love to you and yours. -- Fred Glasser

  5. We know we have so much to go on to but eternity is, eternity. Our days on “planet Earth “ are numbered and apparently your work is not done! Continued prayers for you and your family who want to keep you here as long as possible!!

    Thanks for sharing this great news with us!!

    Renee Martin

  6. Such great news! Thanks for sharing this as well as your faith journey throughout. We continue to pray, believing in and trusting our awesome prayer-answering God!

  7. Praise God and His continuing care for you on this journey!! Such great and encouraging news and answer to prayer! May His glory continue to radiate through you! Blessings and hugs! Linda Tyner

  8. Thanks for sharing your journey. Rejoicing with you in this good news.


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