(#9) Post-Op Appointments and Reflections

Some dear friends reminded me to update my blog since my appointments last Friday.  We had a long morning of post-operative appointments at Mayo, most all of which had good news to report. Blood tests look good… CT revealed about what was expected with my modified digestive system but no evidence of other cancerous sites… Good discussions about medications and diet with the oncologist… Post-surgical visit with surgeon’s PA… all looked good.  

BUT, while I was really hoping to get the feeding tube into my abdomen removed, they delayed that until my weight is stable with nutrition by mouth only. Makes sense; they don’t want to have to reinsert a tube. And I’m still losing weight as I try to get accustomed to this Anti-Dumping Post Esophagectomy diet.

The new lifestyle around food is not easy. I have to be very careful how much I eat with my smaller stomach. Six small meals and snacks per day are needed. Adding calories, but without processed sugar is a difficult. Drinking enough liquid and staying hydrated when I can’t have liquids at mealtimes is an additional struggle. So my goal is to stabilize my weight, while eating my assigned diet. But those two are not coming together yet.  Hoping I can accomplish that and feeding tube can removed next week.

The delay was genuinely a disappointment, but honestly, there have been few setbacks since launching down this path. I have had moments of discouragement and maybe even some mild depression. But in all of this God has given wonderful gifts. I’ve had wonderful care and treatment went quite smoothly. Surgery and hospitalization was no fun, but even then, it appears they “got it all,” and I know it was state of the art, medical care. Harriet has been so kind and supportive. Having both Jen and Kim here for the weeks of treatment and surgery recovery was absolutely a great delight.

And here’s the sweetest thing of all.  God has been so faithful. The comforting, encouraging presence of His Holy Spirit has been right there whenever I’ve turned to focus my need into His provision.  I’ve had a few days when I’ve felt like I was barely surviving, but whenever I’ve called out for His provision, He fills my soul with such JOY. It’s been hard to be isolated from my brothers and sisters in Christ, but Jesus is here and that’s enough.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.  2 Cor 1:3-5 NIV 


  1. So good to read this update. That wasn't why I texted you the other day... Lol! God put you on my heart plain and simple. I love when He does cool things like that. I will continue praying for you and Harriet and thanking God for the gift of both of you. Miss you bunches!! 😘

  2. It’s a good day, right? You have had good days and bad days but you can look around and see evidence of God’s grace and goodness. I’m glad you are healing.please listen for other thins God wants to tell you in this process. I know you have everything you need, maybe not everything you need. By the way, the world around you maybe somewhat dark right now, but as you know pastor, good triumphs over evil.....

  3. Prayer continue while your journey to health has its good and challenging times. PTL you are not alone. wish healing would come more quickly.

  4. Great update. I can’t imagine dealing with that eating and food schedule. This morning I thought about the song I sang solo the first Sunday you started at Bethel - “DON’T WORRY THAT HE WILL GIVE UP ON YOU, HE’S GOT ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD”. Amen!!!

  5. I am so grateful for your update as I have been praying! I know the journey is challenging yet when you can look back and see where God has carried you through the parts you didn’t feel like enduring, he builds your testimony and faith! I can’t wait to see how He is going to use you to glorify himself through what has been allowed in your life! We miss you and see so many fruits of your time here at Lakewood! Hugs and blessings! Linda Tyner


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