(#10) One and a half months post surgery...

Thanks so much, friends, for your prayers for me/us. Several have asked for an update and I’ve been trying to figure out how to communicate it well. 

I’m still in the position of assuring my weight is stable so they can remove my feeding tube. My reconfigured stomach will only hold about a cup of whatever I eat, so it’s a challenge to take in enough calories (and protein). It really has to be done in about 6 small meals a day – but there are a couple of challenges. Processed sugar doesn’t digest easily, so I’m avoiding sugar while needing calories. Also, in order to stay hydrated, I also need to take in significant water, juice, etc. But I can’t drink at the same time I eat, or it quickly over fills my stomach and it can all come back up quickly. So I have to wait for digestion before I dare drink. Depending on what I’ve eaten, that may be from 20 minutes to a couple of hours after a meal. Getting that all spaced right is a lot of thinking, planning and adapting.

I’ve also had a couple of challenges with the feeding tube into my abdomen. I’d love to be done with that, but until the process is working well, it’s gotta stay. My first feeding tube got nicked and had a hole and needed to be replaced. The second one needed some adjustment and was giving me problems over the weekend, so on Monday I was back at Mayo for them to place it more securely.

I do appreciate that so many of you are praying for me. It is hard for all of us who appreciate the love and care of God’s family to be away from Christian fellowship. We still consider my immune system somewhat compromised, so we’re sort of hibernating and missing the chance to enjoy your friendship and encouragement that comes from our fellowship. A lot of you are experiencing that with me and I try to lift up a prayer for you whenever you post a note in response. 

Our God is always good and His plans for us should make us eternal optimists. Even when life is hard – God is good. And eternity will be amazingly grand. I love how Paul writes to the Romans. “… our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us when we are fully revealed as children of God.”  (see Romans 8:18) Here’s what that means. When we are home in the Lord’s presence, there are glorious things God has planned for us that are beyond our description, and no matter how hard life has been here, on that day, we will say, the reward makes all of it; worth it.


  1. PTL!!!! Great to get this update. One day at a time .... one hour at a time. Will keep praying and now have specific items to pray about. And to pray for Harriet, too!!! She’s got to have a big heart!!! Love ya both.

  2. So good to hear updates, daily praying over you and each hurtle.

  3. Hi Steve! Appreciate the update! You and Harriet are often in my thoughts and prayers. You certainly have your work cut out for you with the balancing of food and drink intake. Your positive attitude is inspiring and I have no doubt that God will bless you big time as you witness for him! Love to you and Harriet! I miss seeing your faces. 💜Cheryl

  4. Thanks for the update. And thanks for all the ways you have encouraged my spiritual journey! Praying ... even now.

  5. Thanks for update. Challenging time for you and Harriet(and all of us) but we’re thankful to our Lord to carry us through. It’s an honor to pray for you. 🙏❤️

  6. Steve and Harriet, glad to have your most recent update. Continuing to pray for you and think of you often.


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