(#12) Yesterday was a day I've waited for...

 Yesterday morning, before we headed to Mayo, my devotions included Psalm 126:3  “The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with JOY.”  I hope you know how important your JOY is to the Lord.  In fact Jesus said, John 15:11 that the things He told us were so that His JOY would be within us and that our JOY would be full and overflowing. What a great way to launch a wonderful day!  They removed my feeding tube yesterday and it felt like such a victory and step back toward health.

So I’ve had a feeding tube since my surgery, Aug 11. The surgery removed my esophagus and resized my stomach significantly smaller. Initially all nourishment and medication went through that plastic tube into my abdomen/small intestine. Slowly we weaned off of the tube as I was able to take nourishment by mouth and learn a new pace of eating – smaller meals 6 to 7 times daily – and spacing fluids rightly in between. I’ll spare you further details, but the tube had to remain until they were abundantly confident that I could sustain my weight on the new diet.

Two previous trips to Mayo, I hoped I’d come home without the tube but NO. Two additional times, I needed a procedure to re-position the tube. And besides that, it was uncomfortable and a pain to keep clean and clear. The criterion was that I had to maintain my weight for a full month, taking nourishment only by mouth. And as my weight would fluctuate below my goal, I would wonder if the tube would ever be removed.  There are people who must live this way for years.

Yesterday was the day. Easy procedure. It was a great day, and I am so grateful that this is the time when I can add my voice to the chorus of JOY, because, indeed, “the Lord has done great things…” These bodies we live in are really amazing – His gifts.  The skill and knowledge God has granted modern medicine are wonderful and amazing gifts.

This mornings devotions included these words as reminders… because really… for me, this is what it’s really all about. (I don’t know who penned these thoughts but they’re a true and helpful context for any of life’s struggles.)  “Every storm is a school. Every trial is a test. Every experience is an education. Every difficulty is for my development.” – Yep, I’ll lean into that. So thanks for praying that my life would be rescued from this cancer thing. And thanks even more, for praying that through this struggle, I would grow and learn and become a better Jesus-follower.


  1. Thanks for the wonderful news! A great answer to prayer! God is good!

  2. Thanks for the wonderful news! A great answer to prayer! God is good!

  3. What a great update. Thank you. Sooooo I have a question - if they removed your esophagus, how does the food/liquid get to your stomach? Would love to know. So glad you are on the mend. It has been a long few months. God bless you and I hope he really blesses Harriet. Love ya!


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