Many years ago now, I gave my life to the Lord, believing and knowing that His plans for me were far better than anything I could ever dream up for myself. The adventure since and continuing is amazing and wonderful. It doesn’t mean there haven’t been rough patches or disappointments. There have been episodes I haven’t and still don’t understand. I guess I’m in one of those now.

Yesterday, I was in Rochester again for appointments at Mayo; blood work, CT scans plus follow-ups with Thoracic Surgery and Oncology. They were particularly evaluating nodules that appeared in my lungs at my initial post surgery follow-ups. I know many of you have been praying for me. Thank you.

So here’s the discovery. The 2 small nodules identified in January have grown slightly from 2 or 3 millimeters to 5 millimeters. And they now identify about 8 nodules in my lower lungs. So the next stage is a CT guided biopsy on May 6 to determine if they are cancerous. That will give them evidence to develop a treatment plan. Please continue to pray for us?

I do believe that God can turn anything into good in a way that both proclaims His glory and brings blessing to us. I remain confident that God’s plan for my life is infinitely better than any I could have planned for myself. There are so many scriptural declarations of that truth, and they are correct and factual even when I don’t understand how.

The most memorable promise is likely Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Here are the next words. “For those God foreknew, he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son.” That’s true, whether I can grasp it or not… Since eternity past, my wonderful God has been working a plan to use every event in my life to make me more like His Son, Jesus. Even this? YES, somehow, even this. And there is nothing I desire more than to become like Jesus.


  1. Thank you Steve. Hard stuff, but we need to know so we know how to pray,

    1. I do continue to pray that you and all of us can see the good in all that He allows in our lives! I trust in His good purpose and hug you with my heart as we continue to pray and trust God in His sovereignty and good and perfect plans! Praying for Him to be glorified with this current news! Blessings and hugs! Linda Tyner

  2. We are praying for you, Steve. We know that our Lord will work out in you his will and good plan
    . may our Lord be especially near and dear to you as you await news of the tests, etc.

  3. O ABBA, YOU are the GREAT PHYSICIAN, Please give DIVINE WISDOM to the doctors and nurses as they perform this biopsy. We are asking for NO CANCER. We know that YOU are the HEALER. We know that YOU hate cancer. Please place YOUR OILS of HEALING in Steve Anderson's lungs. In the MIGHTY NAME of JESUS CHRIST. Amen.
    We love you Steve and ALL your family. GOD is on THE THRONE and we are asking HIM to take COMPLETE AUTHORITY over your "temple". Love and Prayers, Bruce and Barbara Lapka

    1. Thanks Lapkas. I know you will pray fo me. Thanks.

  4. Thanks for the update. Praying for you Steve.

  5. Steve: I Know that a good many believers are praying for you and Harriet as well. We do join then in caring for you as our brother and sister. May God pull you through this and bring you His healing touch. You have so much to look back on as God has reminded you of His healing hand and His presence.

    Thank you for regularly reminding us of your journey with the great Jehovah-Jireh.

    1. Thanks Mick. Biopsy done yesterday... still waiting results.

  6. Standing with you, Steve. Cancer comes from the thief, and he has no right to you because you belong to Jesus. The Good Shepherd will hold you and fight for you.


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