(#14) Recent Developments in the Cancer Journey

We've been in this cancer journey now for a full year. Yep - it feels like it. Strange how it converged with COVID and social isolation. So what's happening now?

CT exams after my esophagectomy revealed small nodules in my lungs that unfortunately spread and multiplied over the months. Though we were hoping they were only a virus, the biopsy in April revealed more cancer of the type that was had been in my esophagus. With that discovery, my Oncology team shifted their treatment objective from “curative” to “palliative,” which means that it’s likely I won’t beat this disease.

Now God doesn’t get approval from the doctors and He can do whatever His plan includes. I intend to keep holding on to this physical life until God does call me home - though I hold it loosely. So please keep praying for my healing. His plan may involve bringing me home into eternity and if so - I'm OK with that. Like one of my dear friends used to say in her sweet Swedish minimalist way, “God can heal. But if not, heaven’s not so bad."
Gonda 10 - Hanging out here lots.

So we’re starting several rounds of Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy with the goal to retain quality of life and extend the remainder of life. 24 treatments are planned 2 weeks apart. Each involves about 6 hours in the infusion center as 6 different drugs are carefully administered. Good news – genome markers of my unique cancer show that these drugs are likely to have good effect. We hope that some of those treatments can happen in Mayo Owatonna’s infusion center. Please pray that I tolerate the treatments well and that they’re effective. More than that, pray that I’ll draw much closer to Jesus during this part of the journey.

I am so grateful for the life God has given me. If it ended today, my witness would be that I’ve tasted so much of God’s grace and goodness. Not that I deserved any of it. It’s all because of God’s generosity, forgiveness and kindness. We all know that physical life is terminal, though we’re uncomfortable thinking about it. We who believe God, also know He has promised an even better eternal life to those who trust in Jesus. ‘Jesus said… “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;’”(John 11:25)

My cancer journey this past year has been a greater experience of God’s faithful goodness. He has proven that He stays close to 
those who know they need Him. He has brought me joy in the midst of hard days and encouraged my soul tenderly in the middle of disappointing news. He’s done it for me - He has made life good, even when it was hard. Every time I open His Word there are new encouragements for me. And He has been so good to me through family, close friends and the churches I've served. As I’ve read your encouragements on Facebook, I’ve visualized each of your faces and tried to imagine your voice saying the words you wrote. Thanks for letting God encourage me through you. Thanks for being my friend.
"God is God. He knows what He is doing. When you can't trace His hand, trust His heart." - Max Lucado -


  1. Dear Steve and Harriet, thank you for the update and your transparency as you take the next step in battling this enemy with a team of skilled doctors and nurses. Certainly, Jesus is, and has always been, the rock and anchor of your faith with each report that you’ve received. As you know, so many prayers have been made on your behalf - that you would experience His love, peace, strength, and endurance as you run this race. It would appear to me, in so many ways, that these prayers have been answered. I believe in miracles and I do believe in healing. I will keep my eyes on Him as I enter His throne on your behalf, requesting His blessings over your body, and more importantly, your soul, knowing it is well. You and your entire family is being loved on by us, and we carry you with us throughout each day, anticipating good news ahead and God’s rich favor upon you!
    The Reis family loves you! Brad & Terri

  2. Steve -- Wish I could hug you, brother. Great memories of singing together in the Men's Chorus and of going to Chicago together to visit the BGC headquarters, and of course our year of taking Hebrew together. You are a great witness to the love and goodness of God, and your life is a testimony to His truth. Stay strong, rest in His care, and don't quit. Love you -- Fred G

  3. Oh Steve! This is definitely not the report you or any of us wanted to receive, but please know we are continuing to pray for Gods will to be done. I don’t think we can even fathom what heaven will be like! I think of the verse in 1 Corinthians that says we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face. Can we even imagine how wonderful that will be!? Everything we ever went through will be made so clear. I hold on to that promise as I face unpleasant experiences on this earth.

    In love the Father ever veils the future,
    Hides from us tomorrow’s care;
    For well He knows today’s own burdens are
    Enough for you and me to bear.

    With continued love and prayers,
    Renee and Rod Martin

  4. Steve -
    Words are hard and tears are easy upon reading your update.
    And - once again - your transparent spirit in sharing your journey has turned our hearts upward.
    You can’t know the number of lives you touch with your faithfulness.
    Praying for continued grace & strength, mild side effects, and miraculous healing.

  5. Pastor Steve and Harriet, thank you for your update. We have a prayer card posted in our kitchen and your blog will help us to know how to be praying for the two of you. We will pray that God places His healing touch upon your body and that He gives you both the strength you need for this time.
    Brad and Sherry

  6. Dear Steve & Harriett! As difficult as it is to read your update, I very much appreciate you sharing what is happening. Did I ever tell you Steve, that you are the first Pastor that I’ve ever known who could actually sing? That may not seem like such a big deal to you, but it was, and is, to me. I grew up with music in my home, church and pretty much everywhere I went. But, from the time I was a young child, I realized that our Pastors had terrible singing voices. I don’t mean to sound overly critical, but they were really BAD! The first time we attended Bethel Baptist Church and heard your wonderful preaching, we knew we were in the right place. You ministered so effectively through God’s Word, your humor and loving spirit. But the first time I heard you sing, I knew you were something/someone extra special. You’ll always be my ‘Singing Pastor’ to me. Thank you for sharing your wonderful and amazing gifts with so many people! You are much loved and appreciated and I will continue to pray that God’s will, will be done!
    💜Cheryl Hamel


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