I don’t know how to write this update. But it should start with...

this little guy helps me stay sane 

THANK YOU FOR PRAYING!!! God does love it when we pray.  He loves to hear our needs and our concern for others. He is more faithful to answer than we are to ask. THANK YOU FOR PRAYING FOR ME!!

So last week involved several tests. Blood test before chemo. CT scans after chemo. And an Echocardiogram along the way. I didn’t feel great on Sunday and Monday – and had kind of steeled myself for a not-so-good Oncology visit yesterday. We were in the exam room for only a brief few moments before Dr Hanna came in and said, “Could you use some good news?” I said, “I’m always up for good news.” He said, “Your scans look wonderful - amazing in fact. I think we’d call this a miracle. The nodules in your lungs have all disappeared, except for only one that hasn't grown and hasn't shrunk. But we don’t even know if that one is cancer.”

Allina Hospital attached onto the Mayo Clinic.
Scans at Allina - All else at Mayo

My doctor used the M-WORD! I know he believes in miracles. He’s a Jesus-follower.  But I was floored. I believe in miracles and yet I’m still trying to wrap my mind around how this impacts me. Remember when Jesus ready to feed the 5000, his words to his disciples were “O men of little faith.” Remember when Jesus, rescued Peter walking on the water and said, “O man of little faith.” Why, after seeing how good God is and how He loves me; Why am I surprised when He answers? And this is not anything I deserve. It is purely God's grace and goodness.

But it's really a challenge now, to turn my mind around and live well in a different reality.  I've been willing to do this either way.  If God should take me home to glory, I'm good with that.  I will give Him glory. (And I will pass sooner or later.) But if God would lift me up from sickness and out from cancer, I think I'd better be good with that.  And he certainly deserves His glory.  He's an amazing, good, faithful God.  I don't know why anyone would want to endure life independent from Him.

Daily reminder of God's glory this Fall 


whether or not you are healing me.

What’s the plan from here?  We will continue with chemo, reducing the chemicals that hit me the hardest. This round of chemo will likely have the last treatment in February. I also have a leaky mitral valve in my heart that they need to keep an eye on. But I do plan to keep the blog updated as the journey continues.

As we were leaving, Dr Hanna said, “Thanks for making my day.” And I said “Thanks for making my month – my year!”  

Then he said, “Make sure to thank your prayer team. And ask them to keep praying for the doctors and nurses who often have a very difficult job.” So as you pray for me – Thank God for his amazing answer!  Praise Him!  He’s worthy of more than our voices can proclaim! And keep asking God to strengthen and give wisdom to yours and my medical care providers. Way more often – they would love to - but don’t get to - give this kind of news.


  1. Jo and I have continued to pray for your healing every day since learning of your illness. We join in giving praise to God for His wonderful yes answer.

  2. Such truly wonderful news, Steve! Am rejoicing with you and will continue to pray. Love, virtual hugs and positive energy being sent your way! πŸ€—πŸ’œπŸ‘

  3. Awesome Pastor Steve,bless you and your family on this journey. We continue to pray for healing, patience and strength.

  4. You certainly made my day! Thank your for sharing and for your example of faith! His sees and knows all!! What a wonderful Thanksgiving gift!! Prayers continue but now I add Dr Hanna.

  5. Such amazing news. Praising God with you all ❤

  6. What a testimony to the immeasurable love and grace of our Heavenly Father! Although I don't know how or why I've received this today, it is beautiful, and another reason to give Thanks at this season. I'll pray for God to continue to show what he has for you at this time and to give you peace with simply worshipping and enjoying Him.


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