(#22) Update...More Medical Stuff?

 A month ago, I was on my way to the hospital thinking to myself, “Steve, haven’t you been to enough doctors? Haven’t you seen enough of the inside of hospitals and clinics?” I’d signed up for knee replacement surgery and I wasn’t so sure; although the day-of surgery is a little late to renege. I’d had the required X-rays and scans nd I’d gotten an OK and encouragement from my family practice 


doc and my oncologist. In only a few minutes they’d be hooking me up and putting me out. So why would I do that?

 Some of my risks are obvious. I’d had the other knee replaced in 2001 and it triggered a heart attack on my first night home. I also needed to take-off two chemo treatment cycles. What might that might trigger? I’ve been through several Physical Therapy cycles for knees and a broken femur – they are not any fun.

But I want to get back to living as active a life as I can muster. If God has determined that I’ve still got days left in this earthly body (that’s apparent), I want to live it as fully as I can. And besides there are new spiritual adventures and discoveries along the way. I don’t want to concede to pain or frailty which can be managed and overcome.

Where I'm hanging out these days
I confess that I don’t like Physical Therapy, even with my wonderful, encouraging therapists. They've said that for most therapies, if there's pain, it’s time to back off and take a rest. But for a knee, you must push through the pain. Why would I do that? In part because I want to get out on my bicycle again. Even more, because suffering is part of the refinement of my character and development. 

I often remember Paul’s words in Romans 8. “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” Of course Paul is anticipating the life to come; heaven and eternity. But there is an anticipation, for this life too. Scripture often speaks about endurance and promises beauty ahead. I believe in the goodness of God, so I believe He has good things in mind for his child; if not in this life, then when we are home with the Him. (see Heb 12:2, Rom 5:3-5, James 1:2-3,12 and others). One has to push through pain and suffering to arrive at JOY and to cultivate personal growth of character. I hate pain, but I want the results

My brother says PT stands  
for Pain and Torture. They 
don't use thumbscrews,
but this is close!

"It is in the quiet crucible of your personal private sufferings that your noblest dreams are born and God’s greatest gifts are given in compensation for what you’ve been through." - Whitley Phipps

Actually what God wants to do with our lives, is to put us through the kind of trials that have the potential of crushing us and show His strength to be sufficient. He wants to build in us a character of endurance in the middle of the difficulties of reality that baffles people.  So if there’s one thing you need to know, its that hurting only makes you grow. – John Fisher from “The New Covenant”

I’m no masochist. I hate pain. But for a believer in Christ, pain is never the final word. JOY is. So I'll push through because JOY is ahead. (see again Heb 12:2-3)


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